Our AML Policy Template & Risk Assessment Pack is suitable for any industry or business type regulated under the Money Laundering Regulations (MLR). Get our best-selling AML Policy alongside essential anti money laundering templates. This discounted pack includes our exclusive AML Risk Assessment Template, MLRO Annual Report Template and Suspicious Activity Reporting Procedures.
If you also need the mandatory due diligence and client risk assessment templates to comply with HMRC, the FCA and/or Money Laundering Regulations, add our Due Diligence & Client Risk Assessment Toolkit (£65+vat) alongside this pack.
- Template Customisation Guidance
- 38-Page Anti Money Laundering Policy Template
- MLRO Report Template
- Employee Screening Assessment Template
- Suspicious Activity Report (SAR) Procedures
- 18-Page AML Risk Assessment Procedures
- AML Risk Assessment Template (Excel)
- Policy Statement
- Purpose and Scope
- AML Legislation & Regulations
- Policy Objectives
- Training & Employee Screening
- Suspicious Activity Reporting
- Appointed Officers
- Due Diligence & Risk Assessment
- High Risk (PEPs & Beneficial Owners)
- Monitoring & Audits
- Traceable Transactions & Tipping Off
- Records Management & Reporting
- Responsibilities
- Summary of identified risk
- Who or what the risk relates to
- Risk responsibility
- Description of the risk
- Why it is considered a risk
- Current risk rating
- Mitigating actions to address the risk and reduce the impact
- Action implementation date
- Risk status after action
- Revised risk rating
- Assigned oversight
- Review date
- Additional information
- Comply with MLR, HMRC & FCA requirements
- Sample AML risks provided
- Guidance on risk areas to assess
- Procedures for risk assessment included
- Fully customisable templates
- Instant download after payment
- Simple Excel based template
- Evidence Money Laundering Regulation compliance
- Easy to use & integrate
- Developed by experts
- Frequently reviewed & updated
AML Sample Pages
The AML & Risk Assessment Pack contains 6 documents. The sample pages are a small selection from the policy pack.
*NOTE: The images are random sample pages so the content does not follow on.
Looking for other AML templates to accompany your policy?
Anti money laundering is an extensive compliance area with numerous mandatory and legal requirements. In addition to our AML Policy we also provides templates for risk management, due diligence, whistleblowing, conflict of interest and more. View all AML Products.
*UPGRADE NOTE: If you are unsure whether you need just our AML Policy Template or our complete Anti Money Laundering Toolkit, we provide a voucher code in the AML Policy pack so if you wish to upgrade at a later date, you will not end up paying any extra.
Compare our AML Policy and AML Toolkit Contents!