If you have obligations under The Money Laundering Regulations 2017 (MLR17), you will need to have compliant policies, measures and processes in place to meet those obligations. Whether your Supervisory Authority is the FCA, HMRC or Gambling Commission, many of the requirements set by these bodies come from the MLR17 and require firms to have a structured Anti-Money Laundering Policy which documents how the firms and its processes prevent the risks associated with money laundering and terrorist financing.
Anti money laundering compliance goes above and beyond a simple AML Policy, requiring firms to have dedicated processes and tools in place for customer and supplier due diligence; risk management and effective verification processes.
Wether you are new to having obligations under the MLR17, or require a review or overhaul of your existing anti-money laundering compliance program; we have AML Toolkits to meet your needs. We cater to firms of all scopes and size and have worked with over 3000 organisations across a vast array of regulatory compliance sectors.
Compare our aml toolkits now!