Self deliver your own Vulnerable Customers Training Session for just £149 (exc vat)!
Pay only once for unlimited training, regardless of how many trainees you have. We utilise PowerPoint so that you can customise your own vulnerable customer training session from our ready to use slides.
Why PowerPoint?
In today’s digital age, many commercial training sessions are now delivered via Learning Management Systems (LMS), offering users the ability to complete training online, individually and in their own time. Whilst we advocate the use of LMS training in many categories, compliance is not one of them!
With compliance training, having the human factor is a must, after all, a computer can’t answer random questions, ascertain if a trainee is confused or ensure business models and strategies are understood!
LMS training courses can also be costly, especially for medium to larger firms who have tens if not hundreds of employees to train. Paying per user every year really adds up. Our self-delivery, in-house training packages enable firms to become their own trainers for a low, one-off cost.
Complete with extensive trainer notes and guidance on delivery and content, you can use the ready to use slides to develop a bespoke and comprehensive Vulnerable Customer Training Course.