Already included in our GDPR Documentation Toolkit, whilst it is not a mandatory GDPR document, many of our clients have been asked to produce (or are adding to their website) a GDPR Compliance Statement.
This document serves as a business plan for GDPR compliance, providing a summary of how an organisation is preparing for, and plans to comply with the new data protection Regulation.
If you want to produce such a GDPR Compliance Statement Template, include any actions you have taken/are taking to comply with the GDPR, including technical & organisational measures.
What to Include in Your GDPR Compliance Statement Template
Areas you can include in the statement are; DPO/data protection lead, security of processing; safeguarding measures for transfers, disclosures and the use of third-party processors; addressing individual’s rights, privacy notice(s) and consent controls and what your data protection commitments are.
While there is no official format for a statement, we have drafted a template document covering some of the common actions and describing the measures, controls and steps an organisation should be taking to prepare for the GDPR.
Download Our GDPR Compliance Statement Template
Available in a fully customisable Word.doc format, you can download this template free of charge from our website and are free to customise the template to suit your requirements. Please remember that every company is different and it is your responsibility to create a statement that reflects your plans and actions.